Main -> In the Classroom: Human Factors
Games To Explain Human Factors: Come, Participate, Learn & Have Fun!!! (Ron Shapiro)
Games To Explain Human Factors: Come, Participate, Learn & Have Fun!!! is a 150 page plus program consisting of over 25 activities that explain how people process information, including such topics as: sensation, perception, attention, learning, memory, responding, thinking, interfering, feedback, reinforcement, assumptions, and interpretation. It is provided to high school, college and university faculty to promote and explain the field of Human Factors, Ergonomics, Engineering Psychology, and Applied Psychology.
Photo albums of Games programs presented at colleges, universities and professional conferences may be viewed on SlideShare.
Teachers wishing to obtain a copy of the Games presentation may send an email to DrRonShapiro1981@SigmaXi.Net indicating their name, school, school address, telephone, subjects taught in which they would use the presentation. Also, the note must include an email address which is confidential (not one subject to disclosure under the freedom of information act) and must accept 10 meg files. Contact information will be verified as this offer is only open to teachers and other selected educators and human factors professionals.
Presentations of Games can be arranged for the psychology club at your high school, college or university.
Human Factors/Ergonomics: How Can It Influence Your Students? (Ron Shapiro)
In 2003 I wrote an article for Psychology Teacher Network which provides a "day in the life" scenario of a high school student encountering Human Factors. The article also provides a description of the field of Human Factors as a career option. Linkages to the High School Psychology Teaching Standards in effect at the time the article was published are also provided. Please contact me if you would like to have a copy (DrRonShapiro1981@SigmaXi.Net).
National Ergonomics Month (Ron Shapiro)
October is National Ergonomics Month (NEM), a time for teaching, learning, networking, service and fun!!! for
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) members. High school psychology teachers are strongly encouraged to have an NEM program, and HFES members are eager to help to make this happen. For example, if there is an HFES member in your area, a school visit might be arranged. A few faculty member and students from the area where the society's annual meeting is being held may be invited to attend the meeting on teacher's day as the society's guest.
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