
Constructivism taught constructively

Page history last edited by Sue Frantz 13 years, 9 months ago

Main -> In the Classroom: Educational Psychology -> Constructivism taught constructively


Constructivism taught constructively. Hagan and Richmond (2009) conducted a study to assess whether teaching educational psychology students constructivism (i.e., individuals construct knowledge by incorporating  their experiences with new information  into previously learned concepts) in a constructive manner would affect the way students learned and viewed the teaching method. During a semester, 34 students were taught the theory of constructivism by experiencing a modeled constructivist lesson. Students were asked to create and perform a constructivist micro-lesson (e.g., teach math to first graders by using the manipulatives of counting candy), evaluate and critique micro-lessons, and write a reflection paper on the micro-lesson, as well as write a theory paper on the pros/cons of constructivist theory based on their personal experience. Students made significant pre-to-post gains (over 8 weeks) in their academic and self-reported knowledge of constructivist theory. Additionally, students reported that they enjoyed being taught constructively.


Hagan, L., & Richmond, A. S. (April, 2009). Teaching constructivism constructively. Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association annual conference, Albuquerque, NM. 



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