
Marc Agronin writes luminously and unforgettably of life as he sees it as a doctor. His beat is a nursing home in Miami that some would dismiss as “God’s waiting room.” Nothing in the young doctor’s medical training had quite prepared him for what he was to discover there.
Review by O'rya Hyde-Keller, AARP The Magazine: http://www.aarp.org/entertainment/books/info-03-2011/review-how-we-age.html

At last, here is a book that provides up-to-date information about girls and women with Asperger's Syndrome. Covering topics such as diagnoses, education, puberty, relationships, and careers, experts in the field share practical advice for both caregivers and the women and girls who are affected by Asperger's.
Review by Caroline Fisher, Psychiatric Services: http://ps.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/59/6/698

While it's a safe bet that most readers know where babies come from, it's equally likely that they don't know the whole story. Reproductive biologist David Bainbridge fills them in with Making Babies, a witty and intriguing look at an experience so essential that we all go through it at least once.
Review by Ruth Saunders, Bio News: http://www.bionews.org.uk/page_62711.asp

This first-person account of Alzheimer's ties several powerful stories together. Losing My Mind blends personal history with the fear and pain of developing the disease at the age of 57; it is both a sadly fascinating account of Alzheimer's progression and an attempt for the writer to remember his past before it is gone for good.
Review by Peter J. Whitehouse, M.D., Ph.D., The New England Journal of Medicine: http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM200209123471124

In a leisurely, lyrical meditation on the roughly four-[billion]-year span since life dawned on Earth, Sagan and Druyan argue that territoriality, xenophobia, ethnocentrism, occasional outbreeding and a preference for small, semi-isolated groups are elements in a survival strategy common to many species, including Homo sapiens.
Review by Wayne Wilson,Humanists of Utah: http://www.humanistsofutah.org/1994/wayneapr94.html

Though not for the impatient, What's Going on in There? How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life will undoubtedly make you a better parent. It is thick, detailed, and scientific. But it is also accessible to parents who have the time and patience to immerse themselves in the latest research on brain development. And for those who do, the rewards can be great.
Review by Childwise Resources: http://www.childwiseresources.com/index.php?/book_club/whats_going_on_in_there/

In this funny, well-written memoir, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist and former foreign correspondent Ellison describes life after she learns that her 12-year-old son, Buzz, suffers from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and that she’s got it, too. Looking back, the Stanford graduate sees the signs, even in her choice of profession. Who needs Ritalin when you can cover coups?
Review by Rasha Madkour, Denver Post: http://www.denverpost.com/books/ci_16588726

Psychologist Gopnik points out that babies have long been excluded from the philosophical literature, and in this absorbing text, she argues that if anything, babies are more conscious than grownups. While adults often function on autopilot, getting through their busy days as functional zombies, babies, with their malleable, complex minds and penchant for discovery, approach life like little travelers, enthralled by every nuance of their exciting and novel environment.
Review by Anthony Gottilieb, New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/09/books/review/Gottlieb-t.html

Starred Review. Philosophers and scientists have long wondered what goes on in the minds of animals, and this fascinating study gives a wealth of illuminating insights into that mystery. Grandin, an animal behavior expert specializing in the design of humane slaughter systems, is autistic, and she contends that animals resemble autistic people in that they think visually rather than linguistically and perceive the world as a jumble of mesmerizing details rather than a coherent whole.
Review by Polly Morrice, New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/12/26/books/review/26MORRICE.html

An autistic scientist might seem like an oxymoron, but the miracle of this memoir is that Grandin illustrates that it is not. As neurologist Oliver Sacks reminds us in the foreword, there is a shelf of literature about autistic children but little about autistic adults. Some, like Grandin, do have successful lives and meet in support groups with other adults who are autistic.
Book Review by Bettyann Kevles, Los Angeles Times: http://articles.latimes.com/1996-05-09/news/ls-2389_1_temple-grandin

Why do identical twins who grow up together differ in personality? Harris attempts to solve that mystery. Reading this book is akin to working your way through a mystery novel—complete with periodic references to Sherlock Holmes.
Review by William Saletan, New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/05/books/review/05saletan.html

Whether it's musical talent, criminal tendencies, or fashion sense, we humans want to know why we have it or why we don't. What makes us the way we are? Maybe it's in our genes, maybe it's how we were raised, maybe it's a little of both--in any case, Mom and Dad usually receive both the credit and the blame. But not so fast, says developmental psychology writer Judith Rich Harris.
Review by Carol Tavris, New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/books/98/09/13/reviews/980913.13tavrist.html

Parents learn to recognize and deal with both bullied and bullying children with this authoritative guide. Discussed are warning signs parents should be alert to, the psychology of bullies and victims, how to empower children to prevent victimization, and how to reach out to bullies.
Review by Amy Rea, Foreword Reviews: http://www.forewordreviews.com/reviews/gimme-your-lunch-money/

How can an 11-year old boy hear a Mozart fantasy for the first time and play it back note-for-note perfectly-but struggle to navigate the familiar surroundings of his own home? Cathleen Lewis says her son Rex's laugh of total abandon is the single most joyous sound anyone could hear, but his tortured aversion to touch and sound breaks her heart and makes her wonder what God could have had in mind.
Review by Bloggy Mom Reviews : http://bloggymomreviews.blogspot.com/2009/01/rex-mother-her-autistic-child-and-music.html

Remmy and the Brain Train follows a tired young Remmy through a groggy day of exhaustion and confusion. He has trouble with math, spelling and remembering names, and is feeling moody, upset and sad…but does not know why. That night Remmy is visited by the irrepressible magical train conductor, Doctor Zeez, who whisks him off on an exciting adventure through the Land of Good Sleep. Here Remmy learns of the voyage his mind and body embarks on every night, and how developing good sleep habits makes him stronger, smarter, happier and healthier.
Review by Lynne Lamberg, New York Journal of Books: http://www.sleephomepages.org/books/remmy.html

Why and how did ADHD become the most commonly diagnosed mental disorder among children and adolescents, as well as one of the most controversial? Stimulant medication had been used to treat excessively hyperactive children since the 1950s. And the behaviors that today might lead to an ADHD diagnosis had been observed since the early 1930s as “organic drivenness,” and then by various other names throughout the decades.
Review by Benjamin J. Lovett, Community counseling Services: http://www.communitycounselingservices.org/poc/view_doc.php?type=book&id=4900&cn=37

Imagine hearing these words: "She has Alzheimer's." Now imagine that "she" is vibrant, active, loving, healthy...and just 55. Acclaimed CBS News reporter Barry Petersen, writes about hearing the unimaginable: what it meant, what it still means, what he did--and didn't do--and how this beautiful love story needs to be read by the thousands of families who have already heard that same devastating diagnosis...EARLY ONSET ALZHEIMER'S.
Review by NPR Staff, National Public Radio: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=128284264

Here are girls’ unmuted voices from the front lines of adolescence, personal and painfully honest. By laying bare their harsh day-to-day reality, Reviving Ophelia issues a call to arms and offers parents compassion, strength, and strategies with which to revive these Ophelias’ lost sense of self.
Review by Connie Eccles, ComPortOne: http://www.comportone.com/cpo/reviews/books/ophelia.htm

As two best friends breakup story spreads across the school, so does intolerance. Students begin choosing sides in the cafeteria and calling each other "Jelly heads" and "Chickpea brains." When the two girls get caught in the middle of a food fight and called to the principal's office, they decide it's time to make some changes. The first is accomplished over their sandwich lunch; the second, over a multicultural smorgasbord, the latter depicted on a foldout of an enormous table laden with dishes and flags.
Review by Chris Eboch, New York Journal of Books: http://www.nyjournalofbooks.com/review/sandwich-swap

By the time he was diagnosed at age forty, John had already developed a myriad of coping strategies that helped him achieve a seemingly normal, even highly successful, life. In Be Different, Robison shares a new batch of endearing stories about his childhood, adolescence, and young adult years, giving the reader a rare window into the Aspergian mind.
Review by Laura Shumaker, SF Gate: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/lshumaker/detail?entry_id=87476

In The Optimistic Child, Dr. Martin E. P. Seligman offers parents, teachers, and coaches a well-validated program to prevent depression in children. In a thirty-year study, Seligman and his colleagues discovered the link between pessimism -- dwelling on the most catastrophic cause of any setback -- and depression.
Review by Sylvia Cochran, Families Online Magazine: http://www.familiesonlinemagazine.com/parenting-book/optimistic-child.html

Simon, host of NPR's Weekend Edition and author (Pretty Birds), shares an entertaining and affecting narrative about his experience adopting two daughters from China and his take on what it means to be a father. While he doesn't go into personal whys and wherefores, he animatedly relates the journey that he and his wife, Caroline Richard, took to parenthood.
Review by Sarah Halzack, Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/08/20/AR2010082002055.html

From the top of the Blue Mountains of Jamaica for the perfect cup of coffee to the jungles of Thailand for an encounter with the abominably smelly “stinkfruit,” Robb Wals has traveled the globe, immersing himself in some of the world’s most interesting culinary phenomena. In Are You Really Going to Eat That? Walsh offers a collection of his best essays over the past ten years, along with some of his favorite recipes.
Review by MM Pack, Austin Chronicle: http://www.austinchronicle.com/food/2003-11-07/185107/
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