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Post-Exam Debrief

Page history last edited by Angela Kelling 2 months, 2 weeks ago

Instructors often ask what to do for students who fail the first exam.


Here are some suggestions.


Provide Video/Audio Resources

e.g., Stephen Chew's How to Get the Most Out of Studying video playlist, Procrastination podcast. (H/T to Debbie Podwika via PSYCHTEACHER, 9/24/2014)


Exam Wrappers (courtesy of Stephen Chew)

See this Topix page for Exam wrapper info


Also available here (Courtesy of Stephen Chew via Samford University)


Test Corrections (courtesy of Bill Altman via PSYCHTEACHER, 9/24/2014)

"After the exam, I use one more technique that seems to boost both grades and learning.  Students are given until the next class to correct the items they got wrong, providing me with 

  1. The correct answer
  2. The page number in the book, where that answer was found (or if from class notes, the date of that lecture)
  3. The reason why they got it wrong (even if every item is accompanied by the words "I didn't study")

In this way, they can earn back 1/2 of the credit for the item.  They MUST attempt every item.  Items not corrected are marked wrong again.  This part is important, because any item they get wrong again, either from not attempting a correction, or from correcting it to another wrong answer, costs them another 1/2 credit for the item.  Thus, for a 2-point item, they can earn back 1 point, or lose another point. "


"I also have the students complete a post-test analysis form after each test where they have to review their incorrect responses and provide the reason for why they missed that question" (courtesy of June Pilcher via PSYCHTEACHER, 9/24/2014)


Give Students an Anonymous Survey on Their Study Habits and Present Their Class Data (courtesy of Amanda Matoushek via PSYCHTEACHER, 9/24)

"After the first test I like to give my students an anonymous survey to make them think about their study habits.  Sometimes I collect them and show the class the aggregated data, sometimes I ask them to keep their answers and revisit them while studying for their next test.  Things I ask include:

How many total hours did you spend studying?

How many days before the test did you begin studying?

Did you do the readings on time (or at all)?

Did you study with other students?

Did you utilize the study guide?

While studying were you free of distractions (cell phone, facebook, tv, music)?" 


Provide General Study Tips 

"Dunlosky (2013, available here) gives some general study tips. I emphasize those in the The Most Effective Learning Strategies section in class and give behavioral examples." (courtesy of Alex Beaujean via PSYCHTEACHER, 9/24/2014)
Direct students to a website (see Debbie Podwika's Student Success Resources here) (courtesy of Jeff Platt & Debbie Podwika via PSYCHTEACHER, 9/24/2014)
Suggest students read Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel's "Make it Stick" (2014) (courtesy of Tim Shearon via PSYCHTEACHER, 9/24/2014)

Give Students Pre & Post Quiz/Exam Self-Assessments
Handout here (courtesy of Debbie Podwika via PSYCHTEACHER, 9/24/2014)



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